Dengue fever What are the symptoms? 

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Dengue fever What are the symptoms? Recommend treatment and prevention methods.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a disease cause by infection with the dengue virus. Which is carrie by Aedes mosquitoes. It is found in tropical countries. Spreads during the rainy season every year. Symptoms of dengue fever can range from no symptoms to death if not treated promptly.

Dengue fever is currently a public health and medical problem in Thailand. Because each year there are a large number of patients from every region, most of them being children under 15 years of age, and this disease usually spreads more during the rainy season because there are an abundance of Aedes mosquitoes. Report from

Symptoms of dengue fever divide into 3 stages:

  • Symptoms in Phase 1 : High fever phase. The patient will have a sudden high fever and the fever will remain high and hover all the time for about 2-7 days. Take fever reducing medicine. The fever usually does not go down. A red face, red eyes, muscle aches, headaches, and thirst. Loss of appetite, vomiting, lethargy. Some people may have abdominal pain under the epigastric or right ribcage or general abdominal pain. And there may be constipation or loose bowel movements as well. Most people do not have a stuffy nose. A runny nose or a lot of coughing, but some people may have a sore throat. Red throat and slight cough on the third day. A red, non-itchy rash may appear on the arms, legs, and body for about 2-3 days. Some people may have green blotches or bleeding spots that look like small red dots. The face, arms, legs, armpits, mouth, and an enlarged liver may felt and painful. In this phase, if symptoms are severe, symptoms will appear in the second phase.
  • Stage 2 symptoms include shock and bleeding. Symptoms usually appear between days 3 – 7 of the disease. Which is consider a critical period. The fever subsides quickly, but the patient often gets worse and goes into shock, namely restlessness, sweating, cold body, cold hands and feet, and little urine output. The pulse is light but fast. Low blood pressure, lethargy. In addition, there may be bleeding on the skin or purpura. Nosebleeds, vomiting, and fresh blood in the stool. or coffee color This stage lasts approximately 24 – 48 hours. If not treated promptly, it may be life threatening. But if the patient can get through this critical period, they will enter phase 3.
  • Stage 3 symptoms: recovery period in those who receive correct and timely treatment. The shock is not severe and symptoms will start to improve. And the symptoms that show that the patient is getting better are starting to eat food, being able to sit up, and the body will gradually recover to normal. This phase may last approximately 2-3 days. The total duration of dengue fever without complications is approximately 7-10 days. 

Some patients just have a high fever. Once the fever subsides, you can go home. But some patients are seriously ill. It depends on the infection received. and the patient’s own immunity to disease Therefore, the severity of dengue fever symptoms in each person is not the same.

During treatment until the fever subsides within 48 hours, seriously ill patients may go into shock. or bleeding throughout the body The cause of death in this disease is shock. The body is severely dehydrate. (Although we have not seen any patients with symptoms of dehydration from the outside), water in the blood vessels will flow into nearby tissues. Blood pressure drops until symptoms of shock followed But if you don’t show any symptoms It will be considered safe.

How is dengue fever transmit?

Dengue fever Often transmitted from person to person In which the Aedes aegypt is an important carrier (Aedes aegypt), the female mosquito bites and sucks the blood of patients with the dengue virus. The infection will then incubate and multiply in the Aedes mosquitoes. This causes the virus to remain in the mosquito throughout its duration. Approximately 1 – 2 months, and then the infection can be transmitted to the person who is bitten. Aedes mosquitoes are mosquitoes that live in the home area. They often bite during the daytime. Breeding sources are stagnant water locked in various water storage containers such as jars, flower vases, cupboards, plates, bowls, cans, pots, car tires, or pots, etc.

Dengue fever Found mostly in the rainy season. Because in this season, children They tend to stay home more than in other seasons. In addition, Aedes mosquitoes breed a lot in the rainy season. In large cities like Bangkok, dengue fever may found throughout the year.

Characteristics of Aedes mosquitoes that are carriers of dengue fever

The mosquito that is the carrier of dengue fever is the female Aedes mosquito. It has the appearance of alternating white and black stripes on the belly, body, and legs. It is commonly found in homes and in gardens. They are active during the day and breed by laying eggs in still water. Often found in containers with standing water, such as water jars, flower vases, saucers, and pantry legs. old car tires and other scrap materials, etc.