When having COVID-19, if we know what not to eat when having COVID and what foods to avoid when having COVID, we will be able to be careful in choosing the food we eat and help us cope with COVID appropriately. This is because some foods can make COVID symptoms worse and may also result in a slower recovery from COVID.
When you have COVID, you should choose to eat foods that help promote the body’s immune system , which are mostly protein foods with omega-3 fatty acids, fresh fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, zinc, and various antioxidants. In addition, you should avoid certain foods that may adversely affect COVID symptoms, such as foods high in saturated fat or foods high in sugar and sodium.
5 Foods That COVID Patients Should Avoid
If you are wondering what not to eat when you have COVID, this article will take you to see 5 types of food that may make COVID symptoms worse or may delay your recovery from COVID, so that all readers can be careful and avoid them appropriately, as follows:
1. Processed meat
COVID patients should avoid consuming processed meats, especially meatballs, sausages, ham, bacon , or Chinese sausages, because processed meats have a curing or fermentation process that adds a lot of flavorings, resulting in high levels of sugar and sodium, which can increase inflammation in the body.
In addition, COVID patients should choose to eat unprocessed meat, such as skinless chicken breast and fish, because these are low-fat meats and can also help reduce the chances of inflammation in the body.
2. Foods high in sugar and sodium
Foods high in sugar and sodium, such as instant noodles, snacks, sweets, sweet drinks, or soft drinks, are all foods that COVID patients should avoid. Because consuming a large amount of sugar and sodium through consuming these foods will affect COVID symptoms, may cause more inflammation, and cause COVID symptoms to heal more slowly.
In addition, if you cook your own food, you should be careful not to add too much seasoning such as sugar, fish sauce, soy sauce or salt. You should consume no more than 5 grams of salt per day or 1 teaspoon, and no more than 24 grams of sugar per day or 6 teaspoons. You should also be careful about the amount of sodium in various dipping sauces.
3. Foods high in saturated fat and trans fat
COVID patients should avoid foods high in saturated fat and trans fat , especially fatty meats, fried foods, fast food, bakery products, and foods containing butter, cheese, or margarine. Because foods that contain a lot of these fats can increase inflammation in the body and have a negative ยูฟ่าเบท http://ufabet999.app effect on the symptoms of COVID.
Instead, you should choose to eat foods that are low in fat or unsaturated fat , such as fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids , and you should also choose to use olive oil in cooking.
4. Foods high in fiber
Normally, foods high in fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, or grains, are beneficial to health by helping to promote the digestive and excretory systems. However, in COVID patients who have gastrointestinal problems, such as bloating or diarrhea, they may need to avoid foods high in fiber because they can make bloating or diarrhea worse.
5. Alcoholic beverages
If you have COVID, you should avoid or reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, whether it’s beer, liquor, wine, or other types of alcoholic beverages, because drinking too much alcohol weakens the body’s immune system and may worsen existing COVID symptoms or cause a slow recovery from COVID.